Is there anything better than sitting in the window of a quaint lil’ coffee shop with a steaming cup of coffee (or my favorite – the Americano..), and crisp clean copy of your fave magazine? Ever so often you glance up to catch up on your people watching, but it’s those pretty pictures that makes the time fly by!
What’s your current fave list of mags? Add it to the list below!
1) W Magazine – I guess, for some people, this isn’t the mindless magazine that we’re craving at times… the articles are usually a lil’ more artsy fartsy in comparison to “the top ten things to stop flyaways!”, but when I’m looking to learn about up and coming designers ( I guess they’ve probably already made it since they are in W), or perhaps check out fellow artist inspirations, this is the mag I turn to. The ads are always huge, they are on trend or even ahead of the game, and the fashion spreads are always a touch more pretty... W: the thinking woman's mag. HA!
2) ELLE and VOGUE – there are times when you just want a good ole’ fashion magazine.. and these two fit the bill. Perfect blend of fashion, and beauty tips, and every once in a while, and mindless things to read about.. sure? why not read about the best mascara, or maybe take a quiz to find out if you're more jen aniston or ang jolie.. not like it'll change your life, or make you look like them anymore.. but sometimes you just don't wanna think!
3) HI-FRUCTOSE – big art buff? Just looking for “the unique”? this is my favorite way to find out what underground art exhibits are going on in the city. I love the features and in depth interviews they do with artists. Although, they only come out quarterly (and sometimes it ships out late ..) they always give you lil’ freebie postcards and pics of works from the featured artist as a bonus!
4) GQ – yes, I know I know, this is a men’s magazine.. but don’t you wanna make sure that your man is keeping up with the trend? My guy’s mag choices mostly include muscle fitness mags that feature people who have thighs the size of my waist, or how to workout to the point where your veins pop, GQ is a great mag that suggests better music, has great eye candy, and also offers up funny sex advice that either is blatantly obvious or it's just something to laugh about. silly boys...
5) FITNESS – everyone’s got a health magazine that they read when they are feeling bloated or perhaps just need some inspiration for their lackluster fitness routines. I find that FITNESS have better info on newest trends in fitness and better workout tips.. not that i would immediately apply it but it's nice to THINK about. Yeah, they still contain those ads for the workout supplements and sometimes the women are borderline bodybuilders but that's just more things for me to stare at and realize i will never get there.