Tuesday, April 5, 2011


After the initial debut of the "L'AVENIR" line this season, we've been lucky to be featured in RAW's next event as a featured designer for the runway show on April 28th!

L'AVENIR is 15NYC's spring line - inspired by past, present and future ideals of the modern woman. Each piece is named after a inspirational woman that has showed the world something different about women. Whether they walked the bold and avante garde, played with the edgy and unique, or jumped into the fun and playful, they never failed to show us that every woman has a lil' bit of everything in them!

Come check out L'AVENIR during the RAW "UNEARTHED" event this april 28th. There's lots of up and coming artists in all areas of art: hair, makeup, film, music, and accessories!  tickets are only $10 each and if you buy the ticket under 15NYC it will help us put a better show out there for you!

are you coming?
